Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Day of School

Maurice and I took Bear-Handbanana and Junior to the dog park on Friday. Luckily Maurice didn't have to work because it took Junior 4 hours to get comfortable enough to play with anyone. The dog park is split into 2 play areas, a space for dogs under 25lbs and a larger space for dogs over 25lbs. Initially, we had both dogs in the small dog space because there weren't any other dogs on that side.

We wanted to give him an opportunity to get used to the smells and sounds of the dog park in general. Once we realized he was not going to give Bear-Handbanana a moments rest, it was time to move him to the big dog side. Maurice called the transition "College Freshman Syndrome". Junior went from being the big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a much bigger pond with fish bigger than he had ever seen.

Maurice stayed with Bear most of the afternoon, although Bear would have given his pointy ear to come over to the big dog side. At one point, he had begun to climb the fence. He was nearly 8 inches off the ground before we realized. [side note: This is most likely how Bear has been getting out of the yard. I know he knows how to climb a baby gate, but he only does it when it is blocking the bedroom door. I definitely have to get the underground fence. That way he cannot get to the end of the driveway.] I think I will let him come over and meet Sumo when we go back on Monday.

I'm not gonna lie, I almost gave up on Junior's ability to get in there and make nice with the other dogs. By the three hour mark I had grown weary of him standing behind my legs, too scared to pee. Had I not gotten carried away in conversation with the other dog parents we would have packed it up and left
long before 4 hours. Luckily he found Molly, a springer spaniel. Maurice actually
remembers when she was on the small dog side, playing with Bear and Scooter. She is the sweetest little girl and even though she had about 20lbs on Junior, she was uber gentle. I was so surprised he started playing I nearly forget to get the camera out.

Junior also made friends with Dixie, and 10 month old black lab/ English Mastiff mix. She is expected to grow to 150lbs.

Other dog related news:
1. You never learn people names at the dog park. You could run into a park regular at Target and chat for hours about nothing and still not realize where you know them from... until they mention they have a dog. In that moment, you remember the dog's name, breed and collar/ harness color.

2. Mr. Bennett is not a person. He is a bloodhound.
a. The call of the bloodhound is and awesome sound. It reminds me of beginning band at Carr Lane.
b. I watched a bloodhound poop. It was hilariously awesome.

3. Everybody Knows Sumo. He is very beefy and very lean. When he runs, every muscle is visible under his skin. Don't let his massive size and gold menacing eyes fool you. He is a pushover.

*Notice Bear in the background of both those pictures. He spent most of the afternoon pacing the fence.

4. Fifteen year old dogs that have Parkinson's and suffered a stroke 2 weeks ago sill like to hump pretty lady dogs. Shep is all skin and bones. His person said she has push back his "put down" date three times because he just keeps getting better. Shep it trying to outlive us all.

5. While at the park, I asked the other dog parents of a good place to take Junior swimming. Everyone that chimed in recommended I take him to the boat launch at Ditto Landing. Turns out, that's where they launch boats into the river. "Oh just get him a life jacket and let him go. He's a lab, He'll love it." Considering I swim like a rock, it would be bad news if he drifted out too far. I would have to give the "Junior, We Hardly Knew Ye" speech. So I am on the lookout for a pool or lake to take Junior to. preferably a pool. I am not big on marine life.

Butts Up and Goodnight!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Junior Doesn't Like That

I realized today that Junior does not like to be brushed. No not like "Oh my dog doesn't like it either" or "No dogs really like it. They just tolerate it." This fool was flopping around like a fish out of water. I had never seen anything like it. It surprised me because Jun is so mild mannered and Ma brought his come and left it here with him. I was under the impression that he was used to being combed. Apparently he is used to being combed, but only by Miss DaleShay Brown.

Here's Mine and Maurice's attempt

When Junior first freaked out, he flailed his body onto my foot.
Kinda like that. I couldn't feel my toes for nearly 45 seconds. I knew they weren't broken because he only weighs 36 lbs, but I flipped out nonetheless.

And to send you off with a laugh, Enjoy this video

Lazy Day

We didn't really do anything yesterday, but I did neglect to mention that Junior turned 4 mos on Monday. I felt bad at first and then I remembered HE'S A DOG. Its strange enough that I write about him in a blog anyway. Its not like he knows I forgot or that he will every read this(if he does, I'm gonna have Arab money and I'll do the Arab money dance).

Random Thought: I really like the dress I wore to Kim & Alex's wedding reception. My mom bought it a the Goodwill in St. Louis and brought it to me when she came for Brandy & Jason's wedding. I felt inspired to wear more dresses like that. The problem lies in that the dress, as it turn out, is very expensive. $60 dress! I had never heard of Madison Leigh as a brand, although I am sure there are 79.5 girls running around Huntsville with that name as we speak.

I want a giant hand chair to put in the living room.

Well I'm off to eat some Beef. It's whats for lunch.

Shout out to Ryan and Nicole Smith. Congrats on the birth of their baby girl, Addison Elizabeth. Best of luck

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Rainy Labor Day

Being that it was Labor Day, I didn't do any real training with Junior. We worked
on Hugs and Sit and he sat and watched the rain a bit. It got a little cold, but we didn't let that get us down.

I bought some beef ribs yesterday. They were really cheap. I rigged up a smoker on my super cheap grill and slapped them on there. They turned out great!. The smell of the grill and the sound of the rain on the carport totally put me in a super relaxed state of being today. If I can find ribs that cheap more often, I will try to work them into the regular grocery rotation. Everybody got to enjoy the ribs; Maurice and I got the meat and Bear-Handbanana and Junior got the bones.

He bleached his bones. Junior went to work on them. In his defense, they were delicious.

Saturday Play Date

As with most Saturday's we went to Maurice's Mom's House. We were late and subsequently didn't make it to Kim and Alex's wedding. Junior didn't play with Precious as much as I thought he would. He did get to run around some and see new people. None of the dogs were particularly photogenic, So here are some candid shots of them.

We did however make it to Kim and Alex's awesome reception. That DJ was wicked good... and he had a little help

Sorry its sideways. I have to Get a digital camera. I can never remember which way to turn my phone.

Friday, September 2, 2011

If I Bring It Back, You're Gonna Throw It Again

Maurice, Junior and I worked on name recognition and a bit of fetch this morning. Junior did great, so this afternoon, I decided to take the party outside. Junior just wants to play with the ball as long as it is moving. Once it stops rolling, he could care less. Bear-Handbanana is afraid of balls and I would really like to have a dog to play
fetch with. Junior is my last hope, but he is not making it easy.

No Luck. Once the ball stopped rolling he was done with it.

I really thought he was going to bring it back that time. I was kinda sad that he didnt.

I didnt even throw it that time. I just dropped it from shoulder height. I will admit, I got a little upset that he turned around to try to get it like he was really going to go over there.

HOORAY!!!!! I was super excited! This is what he did this morning. He was great this morning.

And once more for good measure.......... and no. He played me. I'm just gonna say it: I got played by a 3 month old puppy. He really had me thinking he was gonna bring it straight to me.

I like to nap with my tail in the laundry room. What of it?!

Ps Sorry the camera was sideways . I didnt even realize. I recorded it on my phone. Just tilt your head. You'll be fine. Now I must be off to make sure I have everything together for Kim & Alex' wedding. and eat some red meat.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Went To The Doctor Today :/

Junior had to get a second round of boosters today. He was none too excited about it. He had to have another fecal exam just to make sure all the worms were gone. H
e is a healthy hungry little puppy.

In the blue corner we have Junior, weighing in at 36 lbs and will be 4 months old next week.
I have to watch his diet. Labs can have a tendency to over eat. Its only been 3 weeks since he was last at the vet. She sa

id his weight is okay for now, but it is important to make sure he doesn't get in the habit of overeating.
Chunky little Puppy.
Shot #1

Shot #2

So this Fecal exam was a bust and they had to take him to the back. The doctor said that sometimes if the family isn't around, the dog will be just scared enough to relax. To but a stick in his butt? Really? There is a 3 drink minimum to stick anything in my butt. Sometimes I feel bad for animals.

After Junior went to the back, Bear-Handbanana went to look for him. Either that or he thought that's where they kept the biscuit factory. Either way
Junior Really had a little extra bass in his voice today. He was truly frightened. He really needs to socialize to get past this fear. Because he was a little aggressive towards the Dr. Maddox today, we went ahead and sch
eduled his snip snip. Its September 22nd. Feel free to send him and Edible Arrangement (not the chocolate dipped kind). By the
way... She never did get that Temperature reading.
We swung past the dog park, but no one was there so they didnt get to play. They were hot, tired and thirsty when we got home.