Sunday, October 2, 2011

They Took His Manhood... He Was Just A Boy

Yes, It happened. At the tender age of four months Junior was neutered. His big day was September 22, 2011, a Thursday. These pictures were taken on the day before. Wednesday is his weekly dog park day and his last frolic with his dingleberries.

The dog park venture last week was rather unremarkable. It seemed like Junior was aware of his fate and not eager to get on the way he usually does. Also, none of his friends were there, not even Tucker. There was a rain cloud... just one. It was directly above my head. Being that it was just a drizzle and I was the epitome of lazy, I just sat there and got rained on. It passed soon enough.


From time to time Junior doesn't want to get in the car. Its especially bad when Bear-Handbanana isn't there. Sometimes, if you can get him to put his paws up there, he will go ahead and jump in the car. Other times, like trips to the Vet, you have to pick him up like a sack of flour and throw him in the back seat. He rides fairly well for the most part. Although he vomits on long trips and it saddens me.

We get to the Vet and Junior had actually LOST weight. He lost 4 or 5 pounds. There is still a great debate about his weight. I have recently switched him to Blue Buffalo Dog Food. It is supposed to be more wholesome and have less filler. I'll be sure to post about it. But I digress. The veterinary technician went to take him to the back and he decided he did not want to go and would rather jump over the counter and make a getaway.

At this point, I drove the 9.9 miles back home and carried out my Thursday as usual. I did spend extra time with Bear-Handbanana. He really needed some time with out Junior (You'll see why later on in this post).

When I went to pick him up, The tech gave me the spiel about what he can and cannot do, when he can bathe, when to feed him, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well she brought him out and

happened. He was jumping all over the place. I am glad I didn't pay the extra money for the pain medicine. Honestly, I don't believe he was feeling any pain whatsoever. I didn't have a cone of shame for him, so I had to improvise.

He was not at all as enthused and the video made it seem. He didn't wear it for long. I would threaten him with it when I caught him rooting around in his downstairs. The shame was enough motivation to keep his snout out of there.

In those instructions I can't say I gave my undivided attention to and the handout I didn't read whatsoever there were elicit details about safe play time. I knew for a fact that I intentions of keeping him on a leash for the next ten days. That nonsense barely lasted the evening. Let fast forward three days to September 25th.

I know, you think I am a terrible pet parent. But in my own defense, I would probably do the same thing if they were children. I stopped him, but only after I had it recorded. Its funny to me.

As you may or may not know, Junior is my first large breed puppy. I had no idea they get staples instead of stitches. He had 3 furniture staples across his junk. Wanna See?

Yea that just happened.

Lets skip ahead to Saturday, October 1, 2011. After class, I snatched him up and took him to get those staples removed. Although the removal took 8 mins and was free, I still spent an hour in the store and spent $60. I loathe Petsmart. While I was there, I picked up some flea and tick shampoo. Turns out, that giant puppy had quite the infestation. That means Bear-Handbanana has them too. Lucky for me, they aren't allowed on the carpet. A quick vacuum and we were good to go, but, baths all around for the quadrupeds.

I am almost ashamed to say, this was his first bath since he moved here. That is a seriously strong puppy and I was a little nervous about it.

I know what you're thinking and yes Maurice is a terrible videographer, but he pays half the rent so what can I do about it.