Thursday, July 19, 2012

Its Been A While

I will admit it was hard for me to write in the blog after Bear-Handbanana died. In fact, My last post was on or around his birthday, in March. Life must go on. The great thing is Junior hasn't done much.

He did, however, get a new roommate. Scooter moved in 6 weeks or so ago. Maurice and I are to provide him shelter and his Benefactor provides everything else.  It has been quite interesting to watch Junior and Scooter interact. As we all know, Scooter is used to running things and taking his place as Maurice's second in command, with Maurice being the "Alpha Dog".  However, Junior is a solid forty five pounds heavier than Scooter. It often seems as though you can see the gears turning in that terrier mind of his, wondering how his action will be met by his man sized counterpart. Delightfully enough, Maurice and I generally let them resolve their own issues and either the biggest (Junior), the fastest (Scooter), or whomever is craziest that particular day wins.

Rob & Big

Dr. Garcia thinks Junior inherited a form of the mange from Ruby. She doesn't have it, but she is a carrier and all her puppies have the potential to get it. Also, his outdoor allergies are kicking his butt. They make blisters form between his toes. They burst sometimes and bleed all over the floor. Its gross but lucky for us, it happened in the waiting are at the Vet. It seems that Susan O. Long, Jr. is truly his father's son.  Quite a few ailments this one has. He has some substantial hair loss on the back of his ears and some patches where his elbow would be, if he were a person. This dog was very expensive this month. 

Morning Meds Including Vitamins 
Evening Meds

Because I get his prescriptions filled at Kroger, the bottle labels are the same, as if he were human. Some of them are expected and quite uncommon. 
Doxepin. Not sure what its for, but its $20 a bottle

Nothing unusual about this label. has his name and the directions and the medicine. No big deal. On the same bottle, you get a gem like this. 

Crazy Right?!?

So before I gave it to him, I made sure he understood that he could no longer be the social drinker he once was. He was disappointed when I recommended to him that he couldn't drive himself to the dog park any more and that he should put that job at the Vodka warehouse on hold since driving a forklift may not be a good idea right now.  He was sad at first, but luckily he's a dog. His fleeting attention span got the best of him when Scooter trotted into the room with the beat up rope toy in his mouth. 

I guess he will have to settle on being a mechanic's apprentice. Here he is helping Kevin fix the car window. Although he helps mainly by staying out of the way, maybe he will pick up a wrench or screwdriver. There is no guarantee that he will give it back to you IF he picks it up. He's cute, but not a very hard worker.

Now that I have a new phone that has a flash, taking picture for this blog wont be such a hassle. 

For sheer entertainment factor, watch this video. I do enjoy living in the south, you stumble across these from time to time.

And now, of course, the remix

Have a great day. 
*Unless striving for you day to be great is too stressful, or sets an impractical or unobtainable goal then, Just have a day, however it comes.

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